In search of insects

Understanding a tick’s life cycle

Ticks, those tiny arachnids, are parasites that feed on the blood of animals, including humans. They are responsible for transmitting serious diseases, such as Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis. Understanding their life cycle is crucial to understanding the risks associated…

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Territorial behavior of bumblebee queens in urban environments

Bumblebees, those fuzzy, brightly colored buzzing insects, play an essential role in plant pollination. This role is indispensable for biodiversity and food production, both in natural environments and in urban spaces. Unfortunately, bumblebee populations are declining, victims of habitat loss,…

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Identifying and using natural ant predators

Ants, while essential to the ecosystem, can become a nuisance to humans. Some species, like the carpenter ant, can cause significant damage to buildings. The need to control ant populations without resorting to chemical pesticides is increasingly important. Biological control,…

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